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Author Archives: MssngrDeath
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 27
Describe the most unusual circumstance or location in which you have gamed. A few years ago, my wife had the opportunity to take a short internship far from home. I could take my work with me as long as I … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 26
What hobbies go well with RPGs? Anything that exposes you to ideas. I feel a little bad encouraging watching TV and playing video games over hobbies that involve craftsmanship, but craft hobbies don’t teach you ideas as much as they … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 25
What makes for a good character? Hoo boy. I have strong opinions about what makes a good character, probably strong enough that I can’t do them justice in a post this small. Instead of a series of essays, I’m just … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 24
What is the game you are most likely to give to others as a gift? I feel bad giving people games I have or I want to play. There’s an implicit “we will do this together” in there, so I … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 23
Share one of your best ‘Worst Luck’ stories. I don’t have “worst luck” stories as much as I have a “worst luck” career. I’ve mentioned earlier this month how I have a handicap on rolling during character creation and how … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 22
What are some random events in your games that keep happening? We have an entire ongoing campaign where enemies keep getting staggered. In D&D, that’s when you’re reduced to exactly zero hit points, when your consciousness is on its last … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 21
What was the funniest misinterpretation of a game rule in your group? Do people normally have funny misinterpretations of rules? It doesn’t seem like a real source of comedy to me. I guess the winner has to be Spirit of … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 20
What is the most challenging but rewarding system have you learned? Language. See, it’s both a serious answer and a joke because the question is grammatically incorrect. But relevant to gaming, I’d say D&D, mostly because it’s a complex system … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 19
What is the best way to learn a new game? I think the best way to learn anything is to actually do it. Reading the rules and watching play are great, and they’re an important part of figuring anything out, … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 18
What innovation could RPG groups gain the most benefit from? A lot of groups are already doing things like cooperative world-building, treating the DM as a fellow player instead of an antagonist and vice versa, and other things I talk … Continue reading