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Tag Archives: #RPGaDAY
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 31
What is the best piece of advice you were ever given for your game of choice? I don’t really remember what gaming advice I’ve been given, what advice I’ve adapted to gaming from other sources, and what I’ve determined on … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 30
Describe the ideal game room if your budget were unlimited. We’re actually in the process of creating our own game room, so I’ve been mulling this over lately. Given a budget significantly higher than mine, I’d go for: A table … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 29
If you could host a game anywhere on Earth, where would that be? My answer to this question is “the answer to tomorrow’s question”, but that’s a lame answer. I choose to believe this question came first to encourage us … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 28
What film or novel would you be most surprised that a friend had not seen or read? Nothing really surprises me about film or novel experience. It might be because I game in a college town, where many of my … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 27
Describe the most unusual circumstance or location in which you have gamed. A few years ago, my wife had the opportunity to take a short internship far from home. I could take my work with me as long as I … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 26
What hobbies go well with RPGs? Anything that exposes you to ideas. I feel a little bad encouraging watching TV and playing video games over hobbies that involve craftsmanship, but craft hobbies don’t teach you ideas as much as they … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 25
What makes for a good character? Hoo boy. I have strong opinions about what makes a good character, probably strong enough that I can’t do them justice in a post this small. Instead of a series of essays, I’m just … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 24
What is the game you are most likely to give to others as a gift? I feel bad giving people games I have or I want to play. There’s an implicit “we will do this together” in there, so I … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 23
Share one of your best ‘Worst Luck’ stories. I don’t have “worst luck” stories as much as I have a “worst luck” career. I’ve mentioned earlier this month how I have a handicap on rolling during character creation and how … Continue reading
#RPGaDAY 2016 Day 22
What are some random events in your games that keep happening? We have an entire ongoing campaign where enemies keep getting staggered. In D&D, that’s when you’re reduced to exactly zero hit points, when your consciousness is on its last … Continue reading